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EMDR Therapy as Affirmative Care for Transgender and Nonbinary Clients
Chang, S. C. (2022). EMDR Therapy as Affirmative Care for Transgender and Nonbinary Clients. In M. Nickerson (Ed.), Cultural competence and healing culturally based trauma with EMDR therapy: Innovative strategies and protocols, 2nd Ed.. New York: Springer Publishing Company.
A Clinician’s Guide to Gender-Affirming Care: Working With Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Clients
This book is geared towards mental health providers who are working with trans and/or nonbinary clients.
Chang, S. C., Singh, A. A., & dickey, l. m. (2018). A clinician’s guide to gender-affirming care: Working with transgender and gender nonconforming clients. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.
From Gatekeeping to Truly Informed Consent: The Mental Health Provider’s Role
I want to shift the conversation to talk about how mental health providers can be helpful in supporting trans patients through the process of seeking and receiving gender-affirming medical care. As a health care system, we need to move away from gatekeeping based on gender narratives and toward a more client-centered, collaborative approach that focuses on informed consent.
I Found My Professional Home In Trans Health
I envision a future, maybe not one that I will ever witness myself, in which bodily autonomy and body liberation exist for all people…What is the world you envision and want to fight for?
Confessions of A Gender Specialist
I continually question my own motives and rationalizations. I’ve told myself that it is a reality that there are gates, and someone has to be there to open them. But why not work to destroy these gates?
In Love and Struggle: Creating Space for Difficult Dialogues About Power, Privilege, and Oppression in Intimate Relationships
So how does one make space for these difficult dialogues? There is no simple “how-to” guide because none of these conversations sound the same. But here are some key considerations and suggestions for application that you may find helpful.
Affirming Psychological Practice with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming People of Color
Chang, S. C., & Singh, A. A. (2016). Affirming psychological practice with transgender and gender nonconforming people of color. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 3(2), 140–147. https://doi.org/10.1037/sgd0000153
In this article, the authors discuss the unique considerations that psychologists may keep in mind when working with transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) clients of color.
Affirmative counseling and psychological practice with transgender and gender nonconforming clients
In this handbook of trans-affirming counseling, I co-authored four chapters on these topics:
Gender and Sexual Orientation Diversity within the TGNC Community.
Affirmative Counseling with Trans/Gender-variant People of Color.
Working With TGNC Primary Caregivers and Family Concerns Across the Lifespan.
Advocacy and Social Justice: The Next Generation of Counseling and Psychological Practice With Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Clients.
Providing Competent and Affirming Services for Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Older Adults
Despite the growing visibility and acceptance of transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) individuals, TGNC older adults experience many barriers in accessing competent and affirming health and social services due to anti-TGNC prejudice, discrimination, and lack of competent healthcare training on the part of healthcare workers. Clinical gerontologists and geriatricians will likely encounter TGNC adults in their practice given population aging and greater numbers of TGNC people who are living in their affirmed gender identities.