Meet Dr. Sand
Hi! I’m Sand. My pronouns are they/them.
As an educator and equity consultant, I strive to bring an intersectional, trauma-informed perspective to help workplaces create inclusive and psychologically safe(r) environments. I utilize a trauma-informed approach by meeting people where they are, amplifying their strengths rather than deficits, and facilitating a healthy exploration of the challenges that inhibit growth and forward movement. To witness people take risks and grow in ways that they could not have imagined is truly a gift that motivates me to keep working toward systemic change. My deepest desire is to be of service in supporting more equitable and collaborative systems and communities.
I am a Chinese American nonbinary clinical psychologist, equity consultant, Internal Family Systems trainer, and somatic psychotherapist with more than 20 years of experience providing training and mental health services in a variety of settings, including the corporate sphere, startups, community mental health, university counseling, public schools, nonprofits, and medical centers.

I believe in the inherent potential of all people to heal from systems and ingrained beliefs that block connection and growth.
My work as a psychotherapist is informed both by my professional training and my own lived experience, and it has evolved as I’ve done my own healing work. I’ve always been actively interested in helping people who tend to get excluded by mainstream, white, western, dominant culture norms. Naturally, I’ve gravitated towards perspectives and approaches that are empowering and strengths-based rather than pathologizing (like our mainstream psychiatric models and categorizations). As a somatic psychotherapist and trauma specialist, I am deeply committed to body liberation for all people and actively engage in ways to challenge and deconstruct colonialist practices within health and healing realms. My work with individuals is grounded in Internal Family Systems (IFS) and Somatic Experiencing (SE). I’m a Certified IFS Therapist, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP), Certified EMDR Therapist, and Certified Body TrustⓇ Provider. Much of my time is spent as a Lead Instructor in Queer and Trans IFS trainings and an Assistant Trainer in IFS Institute trainings.
When I’m not working with individuals or organizations, you can find me speaking or writing. I co-authored A Clinician’s Guide to Gender Affirming Care (New Harbinger, 2018) and the APA Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Clients (2015). I’m honored to have been interviewed by NPR Life Kit, The New York Times, and Food Psych. Click here to see a list of publications.
Outside of work, I am a dancer, punoff competitor, and smoosh-faced dog enthusiast. Most everyone who knows me knows that I’m a huge dog person. I believe that dogs have a lot to teach humans about being in the moment, resting, and enjoying food! Here’s a picture of me with my pug Zelda and my Brussels griffon BonBon.