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Psychologist and trans-health educator Sand Chang joins us to talk about the complex experience of body acceptance for trans folks, the intersections of trans advocacy and Health at Every Size work, the growing body of research around trans folks and eating disorders, the shape-shifting nature of fatphobia and diet culture, and so much more!
From Gatekeeping to Truly Informed Consent: The Mental Health Provider’s Role
I want to shift the conversation to talk about how mental health providers can be helpful in supporting trans patients through the process of seeking and receiving gender-affirming medical care. As a health care system, we need to move away from gatekeeping based on gender narratives and toward a more client-centered, collaborative approach that focuses on informed consent.
Confessions of A Gender Specialist
I continually question my own motives and rationalizations. I’ve told myself that it is a reality that there are gates, and someone has to be there to open them. But why not work to destroy these gates?